
Friday, 26 March 2010



Look ...and hear.... ....Just listen .....and stop thinking ....just ....TO LIVE will hold you in the sky...high in the sky.....IN-BETWEEN "The Space of IN Between".....where THE MUSIC is ...she says it........."Nefasha New ......yene konjo....Tewat New.....Tenesu....".....into ...
"the space of in between"....Where real LIFE IS!

THAT IS EMERGENCE ....New for Ethiopia....

Something like Nina Simon's " It is a new life...."....(I hope She will be one day so great like her !)
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good


Thursday, 25 March 2010


There is so much potential in "Complexity Theory" and the related "Systemic Philosophical" outlook, that in this time of crisis (Ethiopia-Africa) WE could make - the Best and - a lot - out of IT. Be it in a cultural development (Arts, literature, music etc) or a "sustainable" new and healthy social economy....If ....If.....only...Those who happened to dominate "The State" of affairs....would dare to reflect....setting up the right priorities...the decisive policies and the room and space of freedom and a global - national scale, with a commitment for an overwhole INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT, which would tremendously enhance sooner or later a BIG BIG LEAP in our technological Development...EMERGENCE.......avoiding almost all the pitfalls the "western intellectual"-world is still struggling to escape or ...get rid "evironmental problems"..."psycho-consumption-epidemy" etc...or simply existential-fear engulfed in a non-reflective intellectual poverty, which gives thousands of room and space for all sorts of "demagogues" to play with the "basic" backward instincts of the mass, to still beleive in the naked "magical forces of the market" to bring about social justice and development; inspite of the disastorous outcome of their "neo-liberalism", which is today manifested in the recent financial crisis ....( It is with this in mind, I think, that the old living famous social-democrat ex- chancellor Helmut Schmidt said a pair of weeks ago on the issue, that the social-market-economic-system /"Soziale Marktwirtschaft"/ is one of the main achievements of the century, with its emphasis on the "social" - just to mention here , which, the achievement Obama made on "health insurance" this week belongs too).......In a nutshell ...."western economy" in its traditional and classical touch is still in the turmoil best, at the edge of the "chaotic" plane working hard on its way into and ......towards a healthy and sustainable quality of life . This is one aspect, the other is that... the corresponding "conservative" forces are on the contrary .....trying to look for "a work around" by settling in regions like "Africa" and where ever it is possible to relieve themselves from the "chaotic plane" which the "industralized" man has brought upon the modern "human". ( See ....the disastor of the "Gibe Project" . This falls in this catagory of irresponsibility and indifference for the long-term welfare of Man/Wo-Man !)


Making a difference:

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

SPRING is Becoming!

SPRING is Becoming!
Networks escape our immediate attention because we are naturally and generically always engaged with them, like moving our legs and hands while walking and talking on a sunny day of a spring. Space and time is however abundant in networks, in all their diverse forms and modes.
Networks ....networks....networks...networks...networks....Life is just full of nature through mankind upto the universal .....even in a cosmic scale......
If the INTELLECTUAL as a singular and an autonomous entity .....could ever see through the intensities and multiplicities (Deleuze's philo-catagories) of these networks ....with the good will/desire (Deleuze**) of mediation.....the Political and the Social would turn to be a positive plane, where progress could be attained as a whole,...... with its total sum of ..... "CIVIL---ization" (not meaning a "western" mode of life, but a process of building a solid social complex in the interest of the citizen) it cultural or technical modernization.......

The Ethiopian modern elite so far seem to have a problem in this role....(The role of a catalyst (cf. DeLnada) for something to emerge anew (cf. complexity theory)).

The following essays are interesting introductions on the theoretical promotion of understanding the ontology of networks... (based on the thoughts of Foucault, Deleuze+ and Delanda).

If the elite mange to look at our history from this perspective of "networks", I believe , inspite of what went "wrong" in history -be it recent or older, - " .....a battle ....not based on the logic of meaning but on that of events" (cf. Foucault/Kai Eriksson) - as an emerging "collective", ........the Ethiopians; WE can ALL-together terminate ---the non-productive and the rather weird period of war and revolution - to organise a "productive" future, better and wiser; "productive" in all its dimensions of meaning, under the given conditions of the social "ontology". In this social "ontology" the big obstacle seems to be the political section - the political dimension is still struggling to come out of its infantility....( See the election campaign these days! The same old themes....of ethnicity are being introduced).
We have to break out of the box!!
Like these young people at the grass roots,

I find the following approaches**, to be helpful to do better in our reflections:

If you want to download Delanda's lecture (for individual use):

**"Deleuze’s conception of philosophy is characterized by an aspiration to think through flows, movements, alliances, and disentanglements rather than essences, structures, or institutions: for him it is desire and lines of flight that set the conditions of power, communication, and history."(Foucault, deleuze, and the ontology of networks, Kai Eriksson a Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland. p604/p11)

+ Deleuze's works and books /rather difficult to follow/ (Difference & repititions, Anti-Oedipus, A Thousand Plateaus, What is Philosophy etc.); Delanda's (A thousand of years of nonlinear history; A new philosophy of society, War in the Age of Intelligent Machines etc.)

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The Spirit of Reason on the Horizon?

The Spirit of Reason on the Horizon? Is IT daring to visit our region?

Do we have the courage to take the first steps on the trajectory of enlightenment
and reason?

Are we going to witness the spirit of reason prevailing in our region; after so much has gone wrong; independent of the controversial fact who has the big load in causing the damages!?

I have no idea who these people are ....however, the "spirit" lurking behind the Idea is interesting and at any rate a biginning worth noting!

This is what ..."Manuel De Landa calls 'organizing chaos' can only happen in the middle of extremes." and NOT in radicalizing contradictions!

..........."Let us come to the Future"....That is what I hope!

Monday, 15 March 2010

The Essence of Life is IN-BETWEEN, not IN-CONTRA -DICTION

The Essence of Life is IN-BETWEEN in its moment of the integral PROCESS:

What ..."Manuel De Landa calls 'organizing chaos' can only happen in the middle of extremes."

There is and white, up and down , right and left ...right and wrong......justice - injustice...legittimate -illegitimate....etc. etc.....1 and 0.....1 and 0 .... ..101010101010101010 all binaries....etc....etc.....but the point is that this is not the quintessence of life...To make the music....even an old PIANO has several keys, not only the far left and right ones; let alone all the other musical instruments.....Life is all that is in BETWEEN and in the DEPTH in the INTENSITY within that and this. All the colours of the Spectrum between Black and White are those dynamic BECOMING forces of life, the differentials (in the language of Deleuze...My "favoured" philosopher these days..) which are screaming to be noticed with all the subjectivity of the Wo-MAN or the MAN throughout our lives. Let the MIND work in the way it is endowed by Nature as universal as it could....and not in the way it has been pumped and trimmed time and again throughout all the past radicalizing ages of ideology and religion... All the colours of life....screaming to be noticed in their appropriate intensities, singularitites, multiplicities, diversities (Deleuze...) so that this univocal LIFE is worth the Miracle IT promises as miracoulsly as it has emerged out of "I DONT KNOW WHAT".

As time goes by, the legacy dialectical simplification of life, is becoming not only tediously elementary but meaningless in solving problems. The Problems of the extemes (Black and White, right and wrong....etc) which were haunting us all throughout the generations of "Enlightenment".

Therefore..... "Let us come to the Future"....This Future is already there in several corners of the globe....It is just awaiting the ready MIND. "Sytemic " / "complexity theory" is for instance one of the viable running "attractors" for making a serious reflection.

The Limits of Marxism:

In Marxism, the blunder is that it is only one dimensional and linear.....binary .....dialectical......and I might add just simply "historical"(i.e. 'human'-centric..or as a matter of fact....even just"euro-centric" as Manuel DeLanda notes *).....That is not enough at all for life. LIFE as Diversified , as Intensified, and as Extensified as it BECOMES, with all the singularities and multiplicities it is producing day and night. Let all the flowers blossom...The spiritual.....the cultural.....the material ....the social......and Not this or that class! We are all our own classes ("an für sich") in our own singularity and capacity ...and yes .... let's say our own majesty, ....why not, ....since we are ALL ONE and exceptional...I AM I....We are all exceptional and special! "Wir sind ja alle einmalig und besonders." SINGULAR"...Singular all in our own integration of energy and intelligence....Open ended until "Beyond " and why not beyond "Beyond"....Who are we to limit IT?...who are we to know the LIMITS....since

1. Knowledge is absolute (to Intelligence)

2. Matter / mass is relative (to Energy).

But, beware......not the singular crazy in the black hole...driving the masses into madness and death......But the singularities at the edge....working for the emergence of the new layer! That is what makes the difference ....that is making a difference.....I think....


M. DeLanda (1997, A thousand years of nonlinear history )

Understanding Deleuze!!!

DeLanda on the Philosophy of Deleuze:

"...Deleuze's work constitutes a true challenge to language-obsessed
postmodernism, a neomaterialism which promises to enrich the conceptual
reservoirs of both science and art and that one day could lead to a complete
reconceptualization of our history as well as of our alternatives for the future.~"

15.03.2010 art orbit deleuze delanda…/

What ..."Manuel De Landa calls 'organizing chaos' can only happen in the middle of extremes."

"Manuel De Landa's project sees the possibility for human development to be in inclusion of the flows of energy and matter. He rejects the impoverished bottom-up approaches to historiography which ignore synergistic interactions between their parts, as well as the top-down approaches imposing the assumed systems to interpret reality. This fundamentally different approach reveals the generative processes that govern all systems, and opposes the teleological notions of anthropocentric progress. The domains of matter inherent in complex systems inform a view of the world as the self-adaptive, highly interconnected, free-assembling structure of potent matter. Therefore, according to Manuel De Landa, the world is a place of infinite variations."

However, infinite variations of a cosmic scale and etrnally unlimited for any form of phenomenal it in the past or the future, with all open posibilities ...also beyond "matter" what it is like...ineffable at the moment.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

What A Mind !!!! Gilles Deleuze

What A Mind !!!! Gilles Deleuze - The "source-" father of "Complexity theory".

Deleuze Guattari A Thousand Plateaus.pdf. ... Browse Shared Files. Deleuze Guattari A Thousand Plateaus.pdf. (43.28 MB) ...

A Thousand Plateaus, Chapter Eight: Lines and Segmentarity

It is not far fetched to reflect on our "Ethiopian Problems" in the context of "Complexity theory". All the variables, the parameters and above all the differentials seem to be available and apparent, influencing the "social and political game", how complex or simple it may be, taking some sort of form in and around our regions. May be, we are just lacking or handicapped by the factor of the human/elite agency playing its role of consciously facilitating the emergence of a creative "cultural and technological pattern" towards the formation of a healthy "political physiology" where all sections could relatively be happy and sound to accept the challenge of Life full of struggle. - Life, in which all of them could have been the beneficaries of the global "non-zero-sum" product...... at "the end of the day".

MORE on understanding Deleuze:

John Protevi
Department of French Studies
Louisiana State University
DRAFT: 19 February 2005. Please cite as “Deleuze, Guattari, and Emergence,”
Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory, 29.2 (July 2006): 19-39.

Using this article as a basis, in another context I hope to discuss the way DG’s notions
of emergence can help us to see that a discussion of the genesis of agents, rational
and otherwise, can help in many of the debates in social science on methodological
individualism, sociological realism, Rational Choice Theory, the structure / agency
dilemma, and other problematic areas. In doing so we will have to take account of
the difference between the synchronic emergence of stable systems, with their
equilibrium focus, and the ability to sustain creativity in what DG call consistencies
or war machines (‘the nomad reterritorializes on deterritorialization itself’
(DG 1980: 381).
Such absolutely deterritorializing assemblages are not simply resilient and creative,
but are so precisely in ways that maintain the conditions for future creativity;
they find ways to stay in their crisis zones, they feel at home while on the move –
even if they don’t move relative to their position in a GPS system. In other words,
their pattern allows them to change their pattern. We can thereby dissolve the
false dichotomy between social holism (oriented to homeostatic stability) and
methodological individualism (which denies ontological emergence), as well as
evade the antinomies of the structure / agency debate, by showing that agency,
when conceived as creativity in changing the patterns and thresholds of social systems, can only appear in far-from-equilibrium crisis situations.21

Addis Tiwlid 2012 - The New Generation 2012


The Synthesis


Legacy politics: When two people quarrel rejoices the third – to rule over them… (up to the 20th century)

Visionary politics: When two people come together rejoices the third – to join them in their Human Empathy…(… 21st century ….)



21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!

11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!

Thanks to

Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!

2011 - The Dignity Year for Tunisia