
Monday, 29 November 2010



የአዞ እምባ
ዊቂ-ሊቅ ያሉት ነገር
ገብትዋል አሉ ሥልጣን መንደር፤
መረጃ በመረጃ ሊያረጋቸው
ሀዘን መርዶ ሊያረዳቸው፤
ሰው፤ልቅሶ አይደርሳቸው

አዞ ናቸው።

በማን ተልኮ ይሁን አልታወቀ
ማተ-ራመሱ ብቻ፤ ተደንቀ።



If only "THEY ALL" knew that Wikileaks is in a way liberating them from their "prejudices"- -The "attitudes" which are "the chains, that bind" (1) them all together in a nutshell. A nutshell of diverse "prejudices", that have been ransacking the globe with conspiracy and misery, since mankind stepped into nature (2)!

God bless the Age of Information! The new era , the new face of Enlightenment! Post-modernity seems to get its "Hero" !? Nonetheless it has to be remarked that the affair has an intriguing after-taste, that this should happen during the "Obama Administration"/After the conservatives, the champions of conspiracy, lost power/; i.e. with all their limitations, while social reforms are being introduced in the US.

There is an Ethiopian saying:
' The Ass said, " After my death, let all grass be cursed not to flourish".

"እኔ ከሞትኩ ሰርዶ አይብቀል"፤ አለች አሉ አህያ ይባል የለ!


2) Rene Girard, Mimetic Theory; Violence and the Sacred

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Our Attitudes!

The Notion of Harmony

will help you out of your chains,
since it has space and time for all attitudes!

And there is more in the Notions of Christopher Langan; " a reality theorist and researcher in the areas of logic, cosmology, physics and metaphysics.”

ISCID Moderator:

“From Jaim: Have human beings any demonstrable purpose other than to reproduce themselves?

Chris Langan:
Yes. We are internal sensor-controllers in a “metacybernetic” system called reality. As such, we help reality self-configure by trying to maximize various levels of utility up to that of “teleology”. Teleology, a global principle of self-actualization ultimately associated with the design concept, is merely a logical predicate defined to account for that level of the structure of reality that relates the configuration of reality to other conceivable configurations. With respect to any temporal, evolving system, this is a necessary level of structure that can no more be scientifically dismissed than an unfashionable subset of a set can be mathematically dismissed from its powerset. In effect, it constitutes the “design phase” of reality itself.”

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

HUMAN Thermodynamics

Interesting To Know

The following is a peculiar Web Link, where you would get hundreds of Stuffs you may like to know. Notions from strange and extraordinary Scientists (i.e. not necessarily main stream) on diverse Themes pertaining to Life.


From the introduction ....

Cliff notes
The following table gives a cliff notes version of the core structure of the EoHT. Specifically, all three individuals, Johann Goethe (1799), William Sidis (1920), and Christopher Hirata (2000), each independently assigned with a very rare ceiling range intelligence (IQ=225+), have each independently arrived at the same essential theory, namely describing humans as animate chemicals or human molecules (A and B or X and Y being single humans; AB or XY being chemically bonded humans) and human existence in terms of chemical thermodynamic formulation, using the variables chemical affinity A, entropy S, or equilibrium constants K, as shown below, respectively:

Monday, 15 November 2010

A Flash of Ethiopian Emotion in the Morning!



A flash of emotion in the morning!
By any political standard and perception, is IT not to the point? The following elaboration of what is taking place in the name of development, specially around the phenomena of "land grabbing". With the only correction that the "exploiter of the resources" is the "global finance capital" originating from diverse regions, specially the "new comers" like India, China or the Arab Peninsula!

"Exploitation colonialism involved fewer colonists, typically interested in extracting resources to export to the metropole. This category includes trading posts, but it applies more to the much larger colonies where the colonists would provide much of the administration and own much of the land and other capital, but rely on indigenous people for labour."

What a frustrating "irony", that this is in effect a product of a revolution ("Land to the Tiller"/ መሬት ለራሹ!), which began by expropriating the "indigenous" "exploiters" (feudal landlords & a tiny "cherub" of a new bourgeoisie) and ended up by empowering the exogenous "exploiters".

This seems to me without any precedence the best "perverted-revolution" of the century! (remembering Chile and other Latin American regions, ...Indonesia.....or even Russia and some of former East European regions...or if you like Zimbabwe) And one day if the process develops to its completion, we would have the Ethiopian "neo-protectorate" state.

Mind you! Not "counter-revolution". Counter-revolution is by all standards " healthy" in a way, because it acts in its own interest (of all facets). The "perversion" of a revolution is acting in such an irrational manner, that the promoted interest is that of the "other"/its own "enemy"/ and not the "self".
You know the saying in Amahric! "bere karaju gar tegnto yadral" ..በሬ ካራጁ ጋር ተኝቶ የድራል

And by the way, an Autocracy is I think in such an environment, the most vulnerable form of Administration. If this happens to be radically "national" and a "nuisance" by hampering the "development" of the exogenous "new Capital", the latter can get rid of the "top man" by the "stroke" of the million dollars it pays to a professional "killer" or its "intelligence headquarters" at the service of the big capital dominating the region.

In contrast to this I would say "neo-colonialism", whose second phase has been inaugurated by the phenomena of "land-grabbing", would just be a footnote in the annals of African-neocolonialism.

This phenomena of land grabbing and "investment", in which the political elite of the relevant nations and states, (though they may happen to get just the "mouse" share of the "benefit") - like the role of the catalyst in a chemical process in nature- are playing a major and crucial role in legalising the "capital flow" to the "global finance-centres", has nothing to do with African development and the so-called "primitive accumulation" of the African continent. In what ever direction the capital would flow it has only been so far, "a flow" to the detriment of the Africans and not in the direction of the African continent, but to the benefit of the old and new "global finance-capital-centres", where-ever they are, be it the classical centres in Western Europe and America or the new-comers like India, Turkey or China.

Along this line I remember, there was a "policy discussion" on "development aid" in Germany, whether the "African States are at all mature enough" for self-administration and is the "protectorate state" not relevant for some regions? And this happened to be not a discussion somewhere in a "rightist corner" but at a relatively "higher and serious" podium, some 20 years back. That is apparently bearing some fruits today.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

A short mathematical Survey of Democracy

"In words, if two linked citizens are identical in their political tendency, then the strength of the link is 1:0. If their tendencies are completely opposing, then their trust (and the strength of the link) is 0:0. "

Revisiting the Age of Enlightenment from a
Collective Decision Making Systems Perspective

Marko A. Rodriguez and Jennifer H. Watkins
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

Abstract— The ideals of the eighteenth century’s Age of Enlightenment are the foundation of modern democracies. The era was characterized by thinkers who promoted progressive social reforms that opposed the long-established aristocracies and monarchies of the time. Prominent examples of such reforms include the establishment of inalienable human rights, selfgoverning republics, and market capitalism. Twenty-first century democratic nations can benefit from revisiting the systems developed during the Enlightenment and reframing them within the techno-social context of the Information Age. This article explores the application of social algorithms that make use of Thomas Paine’s (English: 1737–1809) representatives, Adam Smith’s (Scottish: 1723–1790) self-interested actors, and Marquis de Condorcet’s (French: 1743–1794) optimal decision making groups. It is posited that technology-enabled social algorithms can better realize the ideals articulated during the Enlightenment. Index Terms—collective decision making, computational governance, e-participation, e-democracy, computational social choice theory.

Reading more on:

Revisiting the Age of Enlightenment from a
Collective Decision Making Systems Perspective

The paper comes to the following rational resume' :

"V. Conclusion

The purpose of a democratic government is to preserve and support the ideals of its population. The ideals established during the Enlightenment are general in nature: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In articulating these values, the founders of modern democracies provided a moral heritage that remains highly regarded in societies today. However, it should be remembered that it is the ideals that are valuable, not the specific implementation of the systems that protect and support them. If there is another implementation of government that better realizes these ideals, then, by the rights of man, it must be enacted. It was the great thinkers of the eighteenth century Enlightenment who provided the initial governance systems. It is the challenge and the mandate of the Information Age to redesign these governance systems in light of present day technologies"


For a similar outlook you may also look at:

Syntheses & Harmony

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Aesthetic Development

"LIFE is a manifold complex process of nature evoking the godly nature of All-Being -creativity- , to revitalize the H-uman, U-niversal and M-ankind's A-esthetic N-ature (H U MA N), with the ultimate purpose of creating the Harmonious Human Being through generations /1)."

(cf. The Purpose of Life; Harmony Model)

Aesthetic Development (a´ la J.M. Baldwin?)

I came today across Michael James Parsons' review of James Mark Baldwin thoughts on the Aesthetic Development of the Individual.
Aesthetic Development of the Individual (use: only for research purpose)

An opportunity to notice once again that the notion, which is giving me no peace for a few years, insisting once in a while to stick to a public‐paper, is actually not "new" for the "world of science and philosophy".

This notion, which is again reproduced here, as an "open letter to concerned scholars", whom, this may interest, originated from a multifaceted process of tense life conditions, resulting in a sublime experience (in the world of philosophers, one would like to call it „ontological” or “phenomenological” experience … or perhaps in post modernity it is customarily called “flow” or for that matter you may call it -"aesthetic experience" á la James Mark Baldwin!). I believe, this notion of mine has in between developed to a sort of maturity. I would like to believe this, because, ever since the Idea has occurred to me, I have in the mean time developed a tremendous passion for knowledge (cf. Aristotle, i.e. „knowledge ‐the food of the spirit”) and learnt a lot in my leisure time; a lot from various fields of arts and specially philosophy. But unfortunately not as systematic and professional as I would have liked to do, due to my circumstances of life (I am no more the youngest i.e. let us say way beyond my prime age!) and profession, which is different from the latter ( Engineering/IT by profession). Nonetheless, there is nothing which would deprive me of the bliss of philosophy and I have done and am doing my best.

Africa is not only the continent of my “source”, Ethiopia, but also a region I emotionally feel highly attached to, due to diverse critical life experience reasons (I belonged to the so‐called „68er generation“ of Ethiopia/Africa; in German, the rather flattering designation of the global revolting youth of the late 1960s and 1970s). On the occasion of the 2010‐football world cup championship, which took place in Africa(South Africa), it therefore occurred to me to reformulate my “Idea”(1) somehow anew and put IT on papers by giving it some additional visualizing touch es. I posted the papers during those days under the following link:

The Synthesis & Harmony

The genesis of the "IDEA" (1) is more or less in this and related BLOGs documented, if that should be a matter of interest.

This piece or let me say this draft, which may find its way to a professional or academic desk, of this or that Scholar, in order to be critically appraised or “destroyed”, does by no means claim to be either a work of science or a research. However, true to the “bangs of its birth”, it is rather a „search for truth“, with all the due courage for a down-to-earth truth out of a healthy common sense claiming an all round logical consistency.

Anyhow, I would be grateful, if you spare some of your worthy time to throw a glance on this substance. Since a merciless critic has in my world by far more value than a flattering encouragement, I would say, you don’t have to spare your opinion or bear with me, for in my view, the core tenor of social “Harmony” (my model) is the critique too (Kant).

It is said that our contemporary physicist, Mr. Higgs formulated his physics-particle discovery, (LHC experiment) on a small piece of paper; and the great spiritual leader Sri Aurobindo has written thousands of pages on mystics.
To make a picture of the "IDEA" the core-point of "The Harmony Model" is formulated on a page.

Addis Tiwlid 2012 - The New Generation 2012


The Synthesis


Legacy politics: When two people quarrel rejoices the third – to rule over them… (up to the 20th century)

Visionary politics: When two people come together rejoices the third – to join them in their Human Empathy…(… 21st century ….)



21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!

11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!

Thanks to

Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!

2011 - The Dignity Year for Tunisia