
Thursday, 3 December 2009

How Things Come Together

How Things Come Together is a collection, in three parts, of essays and occasional writings by Hanna Newcombe.


The nine axioms of algebra are:

1. Associativity (distributive law)

2. Identity element for addition (e.g. zero)

3. Identity element for multiplication (e.g. 1)

4. Additive inverses (i.e. negatives)

5. Multiplicative inverses (i.e. reciprocals)

6. Commutative law for addition

7. Commutative law for multiplication

8. Total ordering


9. (Least) upper bounds for sets.

The (8 + 1) dimensions of social reality:

1. State and Laws

2. Community and Ethics

3. Family and Love

4. Human and Hope

5. Mankind and Conscience

6. Nature and Religion

7. Universe and Faith

8. God and Deliverance


9. Beyond dimension

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot

* The sequence of the nine Axioms is from Hanna Newcombe

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Addis Tiwlid 2012 - The New Generation 2012


The Synthesis


Legacy politics: When two people quarrel rejoices the third – to rule over them… (up to the 20th century)

Visionary politics: When two people come together rejoices the third – to join them in their Human Empathy…(… 21st century ….)



21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!

11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!

Thanks to

Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!

2011 - The Dignity Year for Tunisia