
Wednesday 8 December 2010

....The Age of Transparency ?

It seems as though we are on the thresholds of another Era of Enlightenment - The Age of Transparency, if hundreds of the "wikileaks phenomenon" we are witnessing today come again and again to make us wiser and wiser by disclosing political conspiracies, until IT is established, that IT is our inborn natural right TO Know ALL what is at stake! The Right To Know is as basic as The Right To Exist!

The Big thing what wikileaks has achieved is showing How ridiculous "Liberal Democracy" can make Itself out Itself, in the way it is harassing the wikileaks-founder, Julian Assange - losing all credibility in the eyes of other political systems!

Beaking Info:

What a nonsense! The huge material of wikileaks remains in the air and the minds. You can block bank accounts but YOU CAN'T BURN E-BOOKS once they are in the air in all directions of heaven!

Interesting Documentary links (films) in this context:

If you don't yet (or before you) care to dig into the huge mass of material in wikileaks, please take your time to look into the following excellent BBC Documentary films of Adam Curtis (if you have not yet come across it).

1. BBC Documentary - The Century of Self - Happiness Machines (4 Parts)
 - to understand how Man/the world was designed to be a
"consuming machine" made in USA!

" excellent 4-part BBC documentary on the origins and power
of PR (public relations) in our culture, our politics, and our
government (". (cf. Tom Atlee,

1. BBC Documentary - Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (3 Parts),
“Baby it's Cold Outside“

- an interesting documentary film by Adam Curtis/BBC: - to end the illusion of importing "progress" and to understand the background of US global international political involvement! By analogy highly relevant to contemplate on the past 30 years trajectory of the Ethiopian political process.


There is no other way in which Humanism and Democracy can develop other than organic and indigenous to its own space and mind. Ethiopia and the Democratic Ethiopian state!

The fishes get their prey, if only YOU "move, click and tick" (say... reflect) in the aquarium. If you "play & prey (even pray)" outside the is meaningless ...for the fishes!

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Addis Tiwlid 2012 - The New Generation 2012


The Synthesis


Legacy politics: When two people quarrel rejoices the third – to rule over them… (up to the 20th century)

Visionary politics: When two people come together rejoices the third – to join them in their Human Empathy…(… 21st century ….)



21st century is the era of Liberation Movements for Human Dignity, encompassing all other Movements, to make them superfluous – non-dogmatic, non-religious and non-ethnic with the great Common Collective Will for Human Empathy!

11 0220 11 - EGYPT's Dignity Day, the Landmark for a radical break with all Tyrannies!

Thanks to

Tunisia -The Heroic Pioneer of Freedom!

2011 - The Dignity Year for Tunisia